Trecena of B'atz: The New Weaving, Renewed Creativity
Energy Theme for December 29th, 2024 – January 10th, 2024
Thread of Time • New Beginnings • Couple • Marriage • Business Ties • Unity • Bonds • Family & Community • Beauty • Healing • Art • Love • Joy • Spirituality • Creativity • Responsibility • Innovation • Temperance • Mind & Spirit
Direction: East
Color: Red, Orange
Pronunciation: “Bahts”
B’atz Glyph: The top part of the glyph is a cone that has time rolled up in it. The cone descends to a triangle, which represents our dimension, and then to the sphere of the Earth, passing through the angles, which are the two polarities; masculine and feminine. –Carlos Barrios
B’atz is the thread of time – the beginning and end, symbolizing the continuity of the past and the destiny of people. This nawal connects us to the weaving of reality, unifying individuals as family, community, and society.
In the K’iche Mayan lineage, B’atz marks the first day of the Mayan month and the start of time itself. Through time, it signifies evolution and movement – the continuation and celebration of life unfolding.
As the nawal of all arts, its energy activates creativity, innovation, intelligence, and spiritual wisdom. It inspires the weaving of ideas and perspectives through relational, business, and spiritual ties.
Its energetic signature is expressed in healing, play, joy, dance, and performance. B'atz is the Master Artisan and a force of creation birthed through both duality and polarity. This force brings great beauty, innovation, problem-solving, love, and ever-evolving creativity into the world.
Today is Jun (1) B’atz, kicking off a new Trecena (13-Day cycle theme) .
1 is birth and beginnings.
After the Trecena of Tijax, which helped cut out falsehoods to bring truth and purification, B’atz introduces new material to reconstruct our reality and initiate a fresh cycle of life. B’atz helps us organize our affairs and goals, solve problems creatively, initiate new projects, and cultivate harmony in love and business relationships.
This 13-day period is favorable for all forms of art, creativity, business launches, and product developments, as well as efforts to disentangle from the old and weave a new reality. It is also an ideal time to plan and set goals for the next 20 days.
The highly creative and healing qualities of B’atz can benefit artists, support harmony in marriages, bring greater order to work and life, untangle relational knots, and initiate successful new projects, contracts, and romantic or business connections.
B’atz Mesoamerican Mythos [Excerpts]:
“Time did not exist and then the Chuen (B’atz’) arrived and made itself and then time began, it began to walk from there, it was the first day of time, the first day of the count of time.”
– Chilan Balam de Chumayel, Mayan Sacred Book
"The day sign B'atz is symbolic of the deity that the Pop Wuj calls the ‘Maker and Modeler’, the deity that created Earth and Sky. It symbolizes human origins, as well as being a continuation of the past.
This day sign represents the energy that oriented the first wise ones to form humanity; it is the warp and woof from which the Maker and Modeler wove the thread of all our lives. As it is the beginning, so it is also the end of the universe. In this respect, B'atz is symbolic of time itself, its development and its movement."
-Kenneth Johnson, Mayan Calendar Astrology
Monkey Spirit Animal:
“Playful”, “Curious” “Adaptable”, “Intelligent”
The monkey spirit animal encourages us to remain curious and open-minded in our daily lives. In addition to curiosity, the monkey spirit animal symbolizes playfulness, reminding us of the importance of laughter and joy in our lives.
As a spirit animal, the monkey also serves as a reminder that we have the ability to find solutions to our problems by using our intellect and ingenuity.
By thinking outside the box and embracing new approaches, we can find more efficient and effective ways to reach our goals and overcome adversity.
Monkeys are highly social animals that rely on strong bonds and communication within their groups. The monkey spirit animal emphasizes the value of community, highlighting the importance of surrounding ourselves with supportive, like-minded individuals who can help us grow and achieve our goals.
As the Tijax trecena was completing these past 2 days, it was an intense energy - cutting cords everywhere. Wow 🤯 Now, as B’atz begins, I can see what was being cut and released…to make way for the new. Absolutely beautiful and magical ✨💕